Lesson 1 of 7
In Progress

LGBTQ+ – Overview

This course offers an insightful exploration of the experiences, challenges, and strengths of aging members of the LGBTQ+ community. Designed for caregivers, health professionals, and family members, as well as LGBTQ+ seniors themselves, this course emphasizes fostering understanding, empathy, and practical strategies for creating inclusive and supportive environments.

Participants will learn about the historical context that shaped the lives of LGBTQ+ elders, including societal stigmas, legal barriers, and the evolution of LGBTQ+ rights. The course will also address health disparities, mental health concerns, social isolation, and the importance of affirming care and community resources tailored to LGBTQ+ seniors.

Through engaging lectures, case studies, and interactive exercises, participants will gain actionable insights into:

  • Advocating for equitable healthcare and senior services.
  • Building inclusive communities that respect diverse identities.
  • Navigating unique legal, financial, and social considerations faced by LGBTQ+ seniors.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to recognize and celebrate the resilience of LGBTQ+ elders while contributing to a society that honors their experiences and ensures they age with dignity and pride.

This course is part of the OldSmarts® University curriculum and aligns with our mission to provide resources that empower seniors and those who support them.