Lesson 1 of 5
In Progress

Caregiving – Overview

Dr. Stall navigates the difficult path of optimizing the safety, health and happiness of his aging parents as his father’s dementia worsens.

This course offers practical advice, emotional insights, and expert knowledge, addressing topics such as:

  • Understanding dementia and its impact on families
  • Developing effective caregiving strategies
  • Navigating healthcare systems and resources
  • Coping with the emotional toll of caregiving
  • Finding balance and self-care as a caregiver
  • Preparing for the future and long-term care needs

Dr. Stall provides a unique perspective that will help people approach caregiving with empathy, patience, and understanding. Whether you are already on a caregiving journey or preparing for the possibility, this course offers valuable lessons, tools, and support for anyone facing the challenges of caring for a loved one with dementia, or other progressive debilitating problems.