Critical yet SIMPLE concepts to help keep you happy and healthy

“Knowledge is power. Information is liberating. Education is the premise of progress, in every society, in every family.” Kofi Annan

These principles are the essence of what I learned during my geriatric training. They are concepts easily understood by anyone, not only physicians or rocket scientists. I hope you invest the time with “Key Principles” to get them securely under your belt, so they’re ready to pull out when you need to help yourself or someone else.
Dr. Stall

About Instructor

Robert Stall, MD

Dr. Stall is a fellowship trained geriatrician and MIT engineering graduate who is dedicated to the care of older adults and helping their loved ones. He has over 35 years experience working in the geriatric continuum of care. Now in his 60's, he has more things to do before just golfing off into the sunset.

4 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • Course Certificate